Sunday, July 11, 2010


we left idaho to go meet up with miriam and naomi in montana! we're gonna see them again when we get to iowa but they happened to be up in montana the same time we were driving through so we might as well HANG OUT!!

leaving idaho there was a plane crashed in the middle of the highway!

camping on seeley lake!

we built an awesome tarp-umbrellaish structure


we drove up north in montana the next day to stay in a cabin with miriam's fam. montana is a pretty beautiful area. contrary to what you may be thinking, we took this photo, its not from a calendar or a coors light commercial.

we thought we'd be camping around the cabin while miriam's fam slept in it. but the cabin ended up being amazing and huge and having sooo much cool stuff. so jess and i ended up sleeping up in the kids loft.(see blog banner at the top of page for reference)

miriams brother josh came up as well. this dude is seriously awesome and hilarious. a super cool dude.

the cabin is right on a glacier-water-lake which is crazy because all the water is super clear. we all really wanted to swim so we decided to all jump in. it was freezing, but super refreshing and fun nonetheless.

while we were there we would take the canoe's and kayaks on the lake alot.

the second day we were there miriam's brother josh brought some inflatable boats which we decided to take on a journey through one lake, a big hike to another lake, then across that lake to some little white water rapids. lets just say one boat popped, and naomi lost a flip flop. but it was extremely fun and intense going down the rapids!!

this place was beautiful and we were sad to leave. especially to drive 24 hours in two days to make it to wisconsin. but we're excited to see mike, alison, jack and norah.

see you in wisconsin!

seth and jess, coming to your state soon. maybe.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, you best be sleepin in separate beds when with the fam you sick pervs!

    miss you dudes! keep ruling!

    alex browntana
